Saturday, December 11, 2010

Medical Marijuana is Part of the Problem

I live in San Francisco, a hot bed for the legislature surrounding medical marijuana. We have seen huge developments in the past ten years. In my fair city we have "medical" pot clubs all over town. There are people in the world that, one could argue, have a legitimate need for medical marijuana. I would bet that 1 in 200 users with medical marijuana cards actually "need" it. If you watch the news or take a look in one of these dispensaries, you'll quickly notice that it's mostly a sham. Many are run by thugs and a fair amount of their customers resell pot on the street often right outside the dispensary. I believe marijuana should be legal for a number of reasons. One, the fact that people go to prison for possession is disgusting. In some states you can do more time for having an ounce of pot than for robbing a Quickie Mart. This is partly why our prisons are overcrowded. Second, Pot is far less harmful than alcohol or cigarettes and it seems hypocritical that the laws allow the use of two products that are leading causes of death globally but not marijuana. Lastly, legalizing the RECREATIONAL use of marijuana will result in less street crimes. Medical marijuana damages the credibility of it's own cause by making a mockery of it's users. On the news this morning I saw an interview with a woman who was about 19 years old, smoking a huge joint in a dispensary claiming "I, umm, like have... back pains." Please! This offends me, it's an embarrassment and it will never gain the respect required to change things in a positive way. Yes, marijuana can be used medically but it's a joke to say that that's why people smoke it.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Tips for Revenge Part Two!

Here's the second installment.

Tip 2: This one is a bit more time consuming. Take a GU energy gel and replace it's contents with mayo. This can be done in  the following way. A Syringe works really well for both removing and replacing contents. After the deed is done you simply melt the hole closed. You victim will be running or cycling and go for that much needed energy packet and squeeze in a burst of warm old mayo.

Tip 3: This is too easy: Tuna Salad, preferably very old, in the air intake of your victim's car. Mmmmm, can you smell it? That's the smell of revenge.

Tip 4: Similar to tip three but this one is for bikes. Slices of cheap Bologna or another cold cut are placed into the seat tube of the bike while the seat post is out. Replace the seat post and after a few days...Mmmmmm! Again, the smell of sweet revenge.

Tip 5: This is one of my personal favorites. It's very direct so save it up for when you really need it. The neck punch, demonstrated below in the photo is very effective. Be sure to connect with the side of the neck, not the front or back. This way, your victim will wake up for several days and the first thing they will think is "damn, I got punched in the neck". 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A New Series: Tips for Revenge!

So, here is a new series. These are my tips for getting back at someone or just if you really want to be an asshole.

Tip One: "The Upper Deck" - This is pretty rough so stop reading now if you're squeamish or if you are even remotely respectable. Some of you know this one but here it is. Someone piss you off? Next time you're in there house, go to the bathroom, remove the cover to the tank of the toilet and yes, poop in the water tank. It just keeps giving with every flush.

Tip Two:  Stay tuned next week for more!!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Music... What the Hell?

Most of us know how profound an effect music can have. I went and saw Roger Waters last night performing The Wall. The Wall has been of my favorite albums since the day I first heard it. The older I get, the more I like it. Classifying this solely as an album does not do it justice. It is an album, it's theater, it's a blood curdling dose of humanity and reality.. This was one of the best shows I've ever seen and even though there was no Gilmour, Wright or Mason, it was still very moving. The music was executed with precision and the show itself was extremely well done. Visually, it was incredible. The old animations were there but there were a lot of new effects and animations that blended seamlessly with the original visual effects. Sound was perfect of course. . If there is any complaint, it's only that listening to anyone but Gilmour play the solos, particularly during Comfortably Numb and Young Lust, was a bit difficult. David Gilmour is the only man who can do those parts period. Had I seen Pink Floyd perform this, My brain would likely have melted. If you have a chance to see this, go. Get good seats and go. All in all, this was something I'm very glad I saw. Very rarely do I leave a show speechless, I left feeling like I needed to change my life. This was one of the most powerful pieces of entertainment I've witnessed. I've listened to the album hundreds of times and I enjoy it every time. To see it as it was meant to be seen, the whole production, was something altogether different. I had trouble keeping it together.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Religion...Oh No!

Yes religion! For the record, I'm not against the idea of religion or "spiritualism" if you will. What I have real problem with is the social and political use of religion to control people. Whether it's monotheism or polytheism, for as long as history has been recorded, religion has been corrupted into a tool for those seeking power. So corrupted in fact that anyone who believes that the bible retains any remote similarity to it's original version is smoking the good stuff. I personally have a hard time believing it's anything more than good fiction. I certainly don't consider myself any kind of expert on religion but I would be willing to bet that had the crusades gone a little differently or had Rome not fell, everyone would be shoving what ever system of belief that evolved down our throats. Modern religion is nothing more than the result of countless wars and political agendas. More lives have been lost in the name of some deity or another than any plague or disease. That is the polar opposite of what religion is supposed to be about. To me it seems pretty far fetched that people believe some of this stuff. Walking on water, people turning to stone and visions of angels, Jesus and the apostles is just a little to close to an acid trip to be real. Please! If anyone comes up with that kind of crap today are you going to believe them? Nope, you're not. Why? Because it's fiction.

It's all good if you believe in any of that stuff, just don't knock on my door and try to shove your hysterical beliefs down my throat. I live in the real world.